The Newfield Township Recycling Center is OPEN!!
A multi-year, multi-agency project is now complete and ready to serve the public!
The Recycling Center accepts most clean and empty plastic, glass, and metal containers, bottles, and jars (with some
exceptions) as well as flat and stacked cardboard and papers and cartons. If you’re unsure whether or not your items are recyclable,
our volunteers have lists and flyers to show what is and is not recyclable.
The following items are NOT accepted:
Shredded Paper
Household Waste
Construction Waste
Bags or films
The Recycle Center is open Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:00am-4:00pm, and Saturdays from 8:00am-12:00 Noon. Please no after-hours recycling. Also note that no household trash will be accepted. The red container is for Township and Fire Department use only. The Township Hall and grounds are under 24/7 surveillance.
We are always looking for more volunteers to help run the center. Contact Nancy Conley, Clerk at (231) 854-4702 to inquire.
General Information: When Hesperia Schools close due to bad weather or snow, the Center will also be closed. We will post on this site and on the Township’s Official Facebook page about the closure. Donations are always accepted to help defray the cost of tipping and haulage. Please make your check out to Newfield Township, with “Recycling” in the memo line. PLEASE do not send or leave cash in the drop box at the Hall. If you wish to make a cash donation, please see the Clerk or Treasurer.
The Newfield Township Recycling Center is made possible in part by The Recycling Partnership, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, Newfield Township, Greenwood Township, Denver Township, and the Village of Hesperia.